Naar hoofdinhoud

SALTA is working hard on its plans for 2025.

SALTA is working hard on its plans for 2025.

During a two-day session on Texel, SALTA’s operational team worked on concrete actions for 2025.

The ‘founding partners,’ practical coaches, and management team inspired each other to formulate meaningful initiatives that we aim to realize with partners from the network. This network now consists of 50 private and public parties from Zeeland to Groningen.

The initiatives focus on practical solutions, collaboration with education, supporting research, and gaining better insights into salinization challenges. The dedication of skilled and motivated staff from the founding partners remains indispensable in this effort. Special thanks go to LTO Noord, WUR, RUG, VU Amsterdam, Deltares, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, and Hanze University of Applied Sciences for their valuable contributions.

The Supervisory Board was also present for part of the session and provided constructive feedback on our proposals. This gave us the opportunity to refine our plans further and prepare them for implementation in 2025.

With this collaboration and inspiration, we look forward to the coming year with confidence!